Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Deeper In The Mines...

There is an interesting band, Extra Golden, coming to Detroit's Bohemian House next Wednesday, September 27th. I know very little about this group, only what I have been reading and hearing on the internet...and I like it!!!

Here is what the New York Press (Robbie Mackey) says about these guys...

Ian Eagleson and Alex Minoff of the DC-area rock band Golden have never resorted to convention. With help from Trans Am bassist Philip Manley and Royal Truxster Jon Theodore, their wildly inventive albums slip back and forth between futuristic funk, unhinged blues and math-y nonsense. But as strange and rewardingly unfocused as their previous work has been, Eagleson and Minoff have never tackled the sort of exoticism and striking conscientiousness of their latest venture as Extra Golden.

Ok-Oyot System, Extra Golden’s debut on Thrill Jockey, couples American rock with benga music—a guitar-centric style of upbeat Afropop that gets by on cartwheeling melodies and springing syncopation. But, even Eagleson will admit, the style’s ostensible cheer seems a strange counterpoint to the squalor in which it’s created.


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