Monday, September 10, 2007

Zeppelin Set To Fly Again...

Stop by Led Zeppelin's official website and you will see their familiar ZOSO symbols along with a mysterious date 11/13/07. There has been so much speculation about what is going to happen on that date. One can only hope that the Rock Gods will deem it necessary to see the "greatest rock group of all time" re-unite to rock it like the good old days. But fans only need to be patient until September 12th, the date set for a press conference. This could be an announcement about a one-off tribute concert to the late Ahmet Ertegun, longtime Zep friend and record producer or maybe an announcement about a 2 CD "Best Of" release called Mothership. Rumors also include the participation of Jason Bonham on drums...possibly the only soul that can fill his father John's place backing Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what's up with this?

10:44 AM  

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